Happy February, friends!
Hope you’re all having a great start to 2023. One month down already, 11 more to go. And I’m ready for it! Well, sort of…
If you’ve been keeping up with me this past year, it’s been quite a rollercoaster of new events, endeavours and projects, and this year is no different except with some even bigger challenges coming my way!
Many of you know that come this summer I will have to move out of the beautiful home and studio I’ve grown and lived in for the past 15 years. Naturally it makes me extremely sad to have to leave behind a place that I built and cherished for so long – so many memories with my family, my students, my art… not to mention how much I’ve loved this neighbourhood and community. But alas! C’est la vie. All good things do come to an end, and when one door closes, hopefully 10 more open up, right? Trying to be positive about what the future holds, but of course it can be tough some days. Hopefully one day I’ll find something that’s bigger and better than this space I’m so used to. For now, I’ll hang on to and enjoy all the lovely memories of working here…

My Dunbar home and studio of 15+ years
And at the end of the day, what does all this mean for me? Well, I’m on the hunt for a new space and galleries to display all my work as I know I’ll likely be downsizing and storage space for my canvases will be much more limited. Hoping to host some in-home art shows with friends (and friends of friends) to have some great conversations around art and showcase some of my pieces. Stay tuned for more info but if you or your friends are interested in hosting some art talks at home, let me know! You all know I love story telling and sharing art advice/insight with fellow art lovers.
In other exciting news, I also have some great ideas to use some of my pieces in ways I’ve never pursued before. Publishing an art book is on the table as well as some other fun products (calendars? A home goods line?). Of course, still teaching my art classes and have a new program in mind for some of my students (and future students) with disabilities. It’s something I’ve been considering offering for a little while now so I am working on the details and will hopefully roll this out in the coming months.
And as if that weren’t enough to keep me busy, I’m always looking for new ways to talk about art with others, so workshops and events are also in the game plan for the year. Which brings me to my first big virtual workshop of 2023, in partnership with Opus on March 31st at 11am PST – The Journey of a Painter 101 – an overview from the very beginning to the final brush stroke.
More details to come but save the date for now, I am so excited for this opportunity to reach a new online audience, and happy to be collaborating with such a great art company here in Vancouver. Hope to see you all join me!

Save the Date – Opus Art Workshop March 31st
Last but not least – Happy 1 Year Social Media Anniversary to me and my Social Media Assistant, Bee!
It’s been a fun journey, sharing and connecting with the Instagram and Facebook community and I’m looking forward to another great year of this. Thank you so much for all your support and engagement thus far. Would love to hear from all of you so please follow me and get in touch with me via my social media channels and tell me what you’d like to see on my pages. Side note – the website is getting a nice makeover soon and I’m very excited to have my entire online presence up and running for 2023.

Whew! Hope I get some time to actually paint something myself in the midst of all this!
Stay tuned for more artistic adventures with Georgia Youngs…
Talk to you all soon,
<3 Georgia