Georgia Youngs Art

Georgia’s New Year News!

Ok I realize we’re more than halfway into January now, but it’s still the first month of the year so I think a “Happy New Year” greeting is still appropriate, no? I’ll stop in February, I promise 😂

That being said – I hope you’re all having a fantastic start to 2024 and I wish you all the best for the remainder of the year (and years to come)! 🎉
I apologize that my new year greeting comes a little delayed, but it’s been a busy month and quite eventful for me already!

In fact, I want to share with all of you some exciting things that are going to make a big difference for me this year:

My first in-person workshop of the year is already sold out! 😱

Taking place on Sunday February 4th at Opus Art Supplies on Granville Island (4-5pm), I’ll be hosting a 1 hour session for artists of all levels of experience, focusing on “Breaking into the Business of Art!” – one of my favourite topics that covers a LOT of ground (thanks to 50 years of industry experience for me, whew!).

I’m thrilled that so many have showed interest in this so quickly, but of course, wish there were more seats for everyone to join. Unfortunately space is quite limited, but check the registration link HERE over the coming weeks in case there are any cancellations. There may be a bit of standing room if you decide to show up without registering, but no guarantees!
I will be streaming parts of it live on my instagram page (@georgiayoungsart), so if you’re watching from home you can catch some snippets online!

Very excited for this, and again, wish there was more space for everyone to attend, but hopefully there will be more opportunities for me to host these later on in the year… Stay tuned…

Speaking of more opportunities to host things…
I just received some FANTASTIC news that I know many of my students and friends have been both curious and concerned about. Ready? 


I am THRILLED! This is absolutely wonderful for me as it means my classes and annual shows can take place as usual, and with peace of mind in knowing this, I can really focus on the plans I have for new opportunities, new ideas and some new products this year. Hallelujah! Georgia’s Blenheim Studio lives to tell another year and I can’t wait to make the most of it 🙌

And now, for my final trick…

New website updates are coming soon!

I’ll soon have 2 different sections of my website – Georgia’s Corner Art Shop and Georgia’s Art Gallery – making it easier to find exactly what you need, for YOUR space and YOUR budget. Made a quick little video here to explain the concept but essentially, I’ll have a section for smaller pieces, art cards and prints – and a section for more substantial collector/gallery pieces. Check out my video, and stay tuned for the launch:

As always, get in touch with me if there’s anything you’d like to discuss – classes, purchases, general art inquiries, feedback… I love the connection with all of you and I hope to hear from you regularly, no matter what the inquiry!

Have a great rest of the week, and look forward to seeing you all soon.



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